Alyssa has lost her first tooth this past weekend and it's been extremely hard not to laugh at her speech. Just as Columbus has discovered a new world, Alyssa is adjusting her way of communicating. She is over emphasizing her sounds and reminds me of cartoon characters I grew up with. Hope the kids at school don't make fun of her! image of the Genie telling Aladdin that he has "phenomenal cosmic power", but also has "itty-bitty living space" as he explains the pros and cons of his living as well as existing situation.
How important is it? How much of it do we really need? We already have everything we need - I've been told. We have enough food and water for today...a shelter over us, clothes on our backs and enough money to get us around. We went to a store that's relocating and David found some screaming deals on plastic storage bins and Velcro. While he was in the store, a father and son were leaving. They were getting into a jeep with the license plate - CAGED. As the boy opened the door, out went a half deflated balloon bouncing across the parking lot. The father ran after it and captured the run-a-way balloon. Much kudos to the dad for saving the day for his boy.
What interested me most, was the jeep. Dave and I have been considering what type of smaller vehicle we should purchase to get around town in. We've thought about motor-scooters, another Mopar, or a jeep. For those of you who know us personally, we love a fun ride. We have had Mopars since the '80's and just sold the Mustang (read race-car) in order to purchase the, two out of the three we haven't driven before...I considered the jeep again today-- caged--would I feel trapped in such a vehicle? Or would I only be driving an uncovered, wind-in-my-face frame on wheels? Dave and I have gotten rides from people who own a jeep and it's like riding in a "wet tent" when the soft top is on. The benefits of the jeep is that we can carry groceries and other needed supplies with us...on a Moped, we'd get wet, have less space and couldn't communicate with each other while driving our own set of wheels....hmmmm....
Back at the Nomad, Tristan and Alyssa decided to hang out with Bampi as he adjusted his new finds to the camper. The children got into a rousing game of hide-n-seek. ( I know, you're wondering- where do you hide in a camper?) That's precisely what I thought when Dave told me of his afternoon adventures...He cleared out some space under the bed--so, there was spot #1 and Alyssa fit perfectly. When she realized that Tristan wasn't coming after her, she came out and searched all over for him...she looked to the steering wheel and passenger seat--no Tristan...she knew he wasn't under the bed, nor in the isle. The cabinet space is too small for him to fit into. So, where could he be? She went into the bathroom and then came out and asked, "Bampi, where's Tristan?" Dave replied, "I don't know." Tristan remained where he was until Alyssa left the camper in search of him...He came out a while later and said, "Ha, you didn't find me!" and Bampi, playing dumb - asked, " Where were you?" "I'm not telling!" he replied triumphantly going off to ride his bike. Dave shared with me that he was in the Head (shower stall). It has a door and Alyssa hasn't gotten curious enough to open it yet. I thought to myself- hmmm- Tristan gave me an idea of where I can go when I need to "hide". I quietly thanked God for this idea.

Psychologically it's been proven that every person requires at least 3 ft. around them in order to feel safe. I cannot do crowds anymore. My anxiety levels go through the roof. I don't stand in lines for long before I start cracking jokes...and public restrooms are a nightmare for me. You are probably wondering how on Earth is she going to travel over 1000 miles in a 24 ft. enclosed RV? I am too! Dave says, "At least in the RV, it is your own personal space."
Signing off for now,
The Happy Campers
Jill and Dave
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