While in the doctors office, I was weighted. This has always posed a problem for me as I love to eat. I eat anything sticky, gooey and chewy. I eat everything NOW whether it be raw or cooked. I eat with my fingers or with a fork...I could eat all day long if weight gain wasn't an issue in my life.I eat for many reasons other than actual hunger: the food is there, it's calling to me, it's sweet, it's salty, I'm tired, lonely, angry or upset, emotional, PMSN, or I'm in pain.
We've been at Meg's for six weeks and I've gained 20 lbs. (that's 3 1/3 lbs. a week). Where did my self- discipline go? How can this be? Oh yeah - wait a minute - I was at the doctors' office with my clothes on and full from a large breakfast. This is not how to find a persons' true weight. Yet, on the other hand, if I am on the road in Nomad, I won't be naked and starving myself either. So, the question becomes: what is my true weight and how did the pamphlet people come up with these absurd numbers for a persons' weight?
Drastic times call for drastic measures! We all have our quick weight loss regimes, and my routine begins NOW! On a construction site the carpenter uses a plumb line to make a straight line. I am going to plumb myself- keep on the straight and narrow and stay within the Nomads' weight limits by:
1) fasting (eating only when I'm hungry)
2) have smaller portions
3) take a mile or two walk every day
4) eat no sugar or white flour products as they get stuck in my intestines
I bet you're wondering - why doesn't she just eliminate all the books she's taking with her, or some of her clothes, or the tent that's in being stored in our shower or the art work? I would if I could. One of the goals of this journey is to improve the quality of our lives. So far, Dave and I have had a month to grow into bigger selves than we were. (It's as if a person needs a week off from the 8-6 a day work week per year that they've worked in order to overcome burn-out. So after years in the corporate world, Dave needed this time to explore his life.) He's become a better photographer and journalist. We shed our outer skin (and trappings) and are flexing our wings- beating them in the wind in order to gain strength before we fly.
I've honed my writing and painting skills - I need the books I have to prime my inner muse. I plan to sell or give away a lot of the abstracts as we move around (or find a gallery to sell from) thus unloading a good 100 lbs. of masonite board...and getting some cash to continue. The tent is for business purposes. I can set up my art roadside or at rest areas when we stop. I have to have my clothes and accessories to present myself well.
Having my own kitchen, under my control, helps. There will be no temptations aboard the Nomad! No renegade drinks or snacks! Offenders - and yes, Captain, this means you - will be thrown overboard! So, Captain- are you within the weight limits? Care to join my efforts?
"Blessings come in disguise. And challenges can be a blessing." - Diane Lane
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