The aura of the urgency seemed to filtrate the area. Jill wondered out loud how we are going to cross these four lanes of congested traffic in order to get back onto the highway? As if by magic, the light changed to red, all the traffic stopped and parted to let us out. We wished getting on our way was always this easy!
Onward to New Hampshire! We breezed down I-95 and even had a pleasant toll plaza employee. Before we realized it, we were crossing the bridge over the Piscataqua River into Maine. The evening sun cast a glow on the massive steel structure. It seemed that, for a while anyways, time didn't exist. Not until we felt hunger pangs in our stomachs. We couldn't get to the Kennebunk rest area fast enough. Once there, we parked amongst the semi's and felt gnome-like. It was a little ironic - we were in a similar parking situation six months ago, when this portion of the journey began, just across the highway.
We breathed in the chilly sea air, listened to the seagulls squawk for a handout, and bolted for the restrooms. After regrouping, we stood in line for some dinner. Timing was still smiling on us, as we beat a large mob of hungry travelers who got in line behind us. After we ate and called friends, saying "Guess where we are?" and got answers ranging from Pennsylvania and Connecticut. Our oldest grandson even said, "Down south." Only after Jill told him we were in Maine, he responded with, "COME HOME NOW! WHEN CAN I SEE YOU?" Jill had to calm him down and explain that we were still two hours away. He promptly dropped the phone and shouted to his Mom, "WE HAVE TO GO AND PICK UP GRAMMY & BAMPY!!" Our grand-daughter Alyssa calmly picked up the phone and asked where we were. We told her we were in Maine and she replied, "About time. I miss you. When are you coming to see us?"
Once off I-295, we ventured onto Coastal Route 1 - and were promptly reminded how rough a winter Maine had. The roads were pockmarked with holes where the tar used to be. To say it was like the surface of the moon, is an understatement. We apologized (several times) to our vehicle for practically taking out the suspension, especially in Warren, Maine - where we traversed the road at 25 miles per hour. It only took one or two B-I-G holes to convince us that was a wise move.
The Nomad made the 90 minute trek from Thomaston to Richmond without any problems. Some of the roads, however, provided entertainment as we sailed over some unmarked frost heaves at too fast a speed. The Nomad rocked... literally. He also rolled, bounced, and pressed on without complaint. We feel the Nomad was generally relieved to pull into a campsite... finally.
Until next time,
The Happy Campers,
Jill & Dave
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