If you've ever glanced at our Facebook page, you'll notice the statement that quotes,
"Follow our journey across the country, coast to coast, from Maine to Washington...". You may be thinking along the same lines that many other people have -
"you're in Georgia... aren't you heading the wrong way?" Maybe we thought we did, but in reality, maybe we didn't.

There's an old wise saying,
"you can't control people, places, situations and things." This journey has brought that home to us in spades. From a US government shutdown that closed all national parks (and numerous ones we planned to visit and stay at), to bridges falling apart and cutting off our way to another campground and seasonal work in North Carolina, a brutally cold and snowy winter across much of the United States, as well as other promises of work in Southern Georgia that evaporated, this left us with more time on our hands to revitalize, refresh, reexamine our lives - and how God is in control of it all.
It was as if every person we've met along the way contained a piece of information that was key to completing the puzzle of "... why Georgia?" as well as the repeated question,
"How did you get here? You have no family or know anyone locally. Why are you here?" These are some of the mysteries of life and this road trip. We've taken many trips into town - many famous Civil War battles were fought here - and we've taken numerous back roads through the countryside. Spring is beginning here.

Just as we have been blamed for bringing the cold down with us, we hope to bring the heat home with us. In three days, we'll start our trek back to Maine. As we wrote back in December, we landed a job from the beginning of April through the end of October at the Gardiner-Augusta KOA in Maine. We are wrapping up our site-seeing vistas - which ironically all seem to resemble some type of death. From famous Civil War graveyards and memorials to the largest salvage yard in the country that specializes in vintage cars, Old Car City in White, Georgia.

We are also cleaning and packing up the Nomad, getting the RV road ready for the 1200+ mile journey, as well as Skyping our daughters and grandkids before being off the grid for a while. We remapped our journey home, three times, as we will be taking a different route home, seeing friends we haven't seen for years, and going places we've never been. We're also wondering what this part of the journey will hold.
We've been asked by many of our friends in Georgia if we will be back next winter. As of this writing, we can honestly say - we don't know... only God knows. Of all the lessons we've learned while on this trip, the most profound and simple one, is to breathe deep and keep on going. Have faith - we will all get to where we're supposed to be; to land where we're all supposed to land.
Until next time,
The Happy Campers,
Jill & Dave
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