First things first - we are aware of the spelling in the title - it is meant to be an intentional play on words. Follow along and we'll experience one of those "ah-ha" moments together. One question that came to mind as we write this is,
"where does the time go?" It's been almost three weeks since our last blog and we've been working / living at this KOA for six weeks. Even more incredible is the fact that we head back to Maine for our summer job at the Gardiner / Augusta KOA in just four and a half weeks. We'll be taking our time, seeing friends and family along the way - which also means more blogs and pictures for you to enjoy!
One of the big buzz phrases we've been hearing over the past three weeks has been "weather permitting". We've also come to realize that this phrase must be taken with a fairly large dose of perspective. When we first arrived in Cartersville, Georgia, it was just like Maine in the winter - COLD! However, by our first weekend here, it warmed up to almost 70 degrees. That was all well and good until the thunder storms came barreling through.

The weeks that followed were like a Coney Island roller coaster - whether we liked it or not. We've experienced two small snow storms, an ice storm, days of rain (and the resulting mud), thunder storms, hail, tornado warnings, low temperatures at night that have been in the single numbers (including one that registered at -2 below), and one high wind advisory that resulted in a large branch landing on the Nomads' roof with a resounding thud. However, we are happy to report that our RV still has no leaks, damage and is none the worse for wear.
Adding insult to injury was a conversation we had with a local resident before a church service last Sunday. She said spring will basically start by the end of February. However, she also pointed out that according to the Farmers Almanac, there is supposed to be one last snow event by the end of March. Another local who was in attendance promptly commented that she didn't buy that;
"Winter is just about over. We'll be in tornado season by March and it'll be really warm and humid by May." A third person finally quipped,
"This winter has been totally screwy - someone needs to give Mother Nature a globe!" In the same jesting mode, we told our new friends that they can lay off the snow - we already feel at home here.

Undeterred by all of this, we did find a temporal day to spend in Cartersville. We focused on the old historic downtown area which has been in a state of revival. We played tourist once again, taking pictures and talking with local business owners ranging from clothing stores, art galleries and diners. One gallery was in the process of changing its works when the manager asked Jill if she had any paintings she was willing to display once she found out Jill was a fine artist. Jill said,
"Sure do... they're out in our RV. Would you like me to retrieve some of them?" Suddenly it was let the back pedaling begin!
"The artwork has to be juried into the show." Be careful what you say to strangers who happen to be artists! We also found a cool restaurant named Meg-Pie (reminded us of our oldest daughter) as well as an eclectic shop called Psycho Sisters. We were half tempted to ask the owners if they were at least partially responsible for the crazy weather. All the shop owners made sure to mention another shop or art gallery that we may enjoy seeing pouring on the hospitality the South is known for.

We also stood on railroad tracks (with trains approaching), under bridges, and near construction zones all in the name of collecting unusual pictures and memories. We've also been walking the general area around the campground - whether its through the woods or down a country road complete with horse farms, lazy cows and barking dogs. We especially love the river that passes by there complete with wooden bridge with no rails and a hilarious truck weight limit sign. However, it gives us a sense of peace and serenity along with the Canadian geese and cranes that are starting to fly north. We are eager to fly north as well weather permitting!
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