We're also going to be honest with you - in this next part, there wasn't water everywhere, but things did get a little wet. We finally got around to hooking up the water supply for the RV. We hadn't done so to date because of the chilly weather at night on our journey south. It didn't matter what state we traveled through - one night or another, the thermometer dipped below the freezing mark. Even during our first week here in North Carolina, one night bottomed out at 25 degrees - a record low for that date. The weather took a turn in the right direction and warmed up to 75 degrees by the weekend of the 16th.
We acquired a heated outdoor water hose, so the worry of freezing wouldn't be an issue. We connected everything and turned on the campgrounds' water supply. No leaks on the outside - cool! Then why are we hearing water running? Rushing inside the RV, we noticed the kitchen sink was on full blast. While the Nomad was winterized when we purchased it, and we hadn't touched the faucets, we forgot the grandkids did when we brought it home. Never mind the dual sink was covered and the faucet was facing away from the sink. Oops!
We quickly shut the faucet off and wiped up the water that was flowing slowly in almost every direction.
We have to admit - numerous friends we have made here at the campground have been more than willing to help out. One thing many people can't seem to comprehend, however, is that we're fine with our RV. They're amazed that we not going to tear apart the interior and fix this "problem" NOW! They don't feel that we're idiots, but they've stated they simply cannot live without an arms length list of creature comforts. Jill asked a kind-of hypothetical question one evening, "Do you feel we're out of our league?" I replied, "No - we're not out of our league, just in a different one."
While our Nomad may seem (actually is) small compared to many of the motor-homes and 5th wheels here, we are perfectly happy with what we have. Think about it - we have a warm dry roof over our heads, a fridge, appliances to cook with, heat, a coffee maker, water, lights, a solid Internet connection, and an RV that runs and drives at the drop of a hat. We also have a crankin' ice cold A/C system - we found that out a few days ago when it was 83 degrees and humid.
By the way, we just finished our 4th photo slide show and it's up on You Tube! Click here to check it out!
Until next time,
The Happy Campers,
Jill & Dave
Very engaging story-telling! Glad to see the leak issues haven't gotten you down for long.