MacBeth states about his enemies closing in around him, "They have tied me to a stake. I cannot fly. But bear-like I must fight the course."
Why does society favor the brutal and nasty? Why do humans love cruel spectacle? Have we lost our capacity for love, caring, gentleness, and sensitivity to others' pain? On the streets of London were whipping poles, pillories, and stocks. People threw tomatoes and rotten food at those in the stocks. Society paid to see entertainments that mirrored the constant torments of public displays.
Bear-like, Dave and I fight the cause. Unrealistic, untrue sentiments crossed our path. The torture of daily humiliation and shame sit at our front door. Innocent until proven guilty--or so they say... Corporate America favors bully tactics, and society heeds its rules. Society - with all its norms, mores, and devious acceptable behaviors (greed and best your fellow man to climb to the top of the corporate ladder) strips the individual of our free will. Corporate America stifles individuality, creativity and imagination...the very things that keep us humans and not humanoids. Group think is honored and the wildest ideas are ridiculed. Individual ruggedness is subdued into mediocrity and corporate think squashes all human vulnerability and real communication.
The individuals' passions and ingenuity have been tampered with to the point where logic and desire for social inclusion is more important than life itself. One must have the same "stuff" as everyone else or better than them. (Who is them?) This cycle perpetuates itself.
In Will's time, the only art being created were portraits of rich Catholic patrons...two very dangerous combinations of client. (Those opposed to the Queen). Corporations today mostly purchase abstract art that holds no meaning for the viewer, therefore leaving the patron as empty as when they entered the building.
The meaning of art is to arouse a emotion within the observer. Corporations purchase mostly abstracts and designs that hold no meaning or emotional content for the viewer. (There is no psychic connection being made.) Computers, cell phones and multi-media used today also inhibit true relationships to be formed. Communication is stifled and stymied by short cut spelling where words can be misunderstood. Anger, frustration and violence prevail as humiliation upon humiliation dominates the home-front and shame rules the psyche.

People were there for many mishaps. The one that struck me was the young mother who stole baby-food. What is the matter with society when a person has no one to help them out with these types of problems? What happened to the community that a church used to contain? What is the matter with the state? Was stealing the lesser of two evils for this poor woman? Face a fine and pay restitution at a later date, or be called in for neglect by DHS for not feeding her child...desperate times call for desperate measures. We have to start living by our hearts again. It's within our consciousness to be able to tell right from wrong, and putting this woman in that situation is wrong of society!

Seek the unpredictable.
The Happy Campers,
Jill and Dave
Well said. And a nice bit of history too.